Wellness Services

All of our professional healers each specialize in a variety of practices including , Ayurveda, Biomagnetic Pair, Body Code and Flower Essence Treatments. We take pride in housing some of the top practitioners in the South Bay.

Signature Somos Treatment


60 Mins

  • Signature Somos Treatment $75

    BALANCE & TUNE UP for Wellbeing --- Developed by Mariana Ito, Signature Somos Treatment can be extremely beneficial for anyone who’s looking to cope with stress or find better harmony and balance in their life. A blend of our services are offered based on the patient symptoms and health goals. Somos Signature Treatment is our #1 offered service. The initial visit is a full body evaluation with treatment, continued with a follow up regimen of flower essences.

    A combination of our Flower Essence and Biomagnetism therapies. Biomagnetism, or Biomagnetic Pair (BMP), is an all natural, non invasive therapy that helps restore a healthy pH balance using magnets of opposite polarity by pairs. Most organs and tissues in our bodies exist in varying levels of pH. Mental and emotional stress, exposure to radiation or pollutants, poor diet and invasion from microorganisms may cause pH levels to leave their normal range. Biomagnetism helps balance the pH levels and return the body to homeostasis (the state of natural health). Flower essences are flower infusions, prepared from wildflowers, based on the original work of Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s. To understand how flower essences work requires a recognition that the human being is more than a physical body, but also incorporates a “body” of life energy, a “body” of sensitivity and feelings, and a spiritual essence. Flower essences can help us deepen our connection with ourselves to be more in touch with our feelings and underlying attitudes and thus empower us to make real changes in our lives.


    We do not offer cash or credit card refunds for our treatment packages or gift certificates. Availability of specific therapists, modalities, teachers, and classes is subject to change at all times without prior written notice. We will honor an equal value of credit for other services within our facilities. Please note that this credit does not apply to cancellation of services due to notification of cancellation with less than 24 hours notice.

    CANCELLATION POLICY Cancellations: If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, WE REQUIRE 24 HOURS NOTICE. Appointments cancelled or rescheduled in less than the required time will be billed at 50% of the cost of services. Appointments booked for the same day are considered confirmed and cannot be cancelled without being billed 50% in accordance with our cancellation policy. Thank you for your understanding and respect of our Therapists and the space. TARDINESS: I understand I am required to arrive on time (10 min prior) for all Wellness appointments. I also understand that my Wellness session time will be shortened if I am late for my appointment. I will NOT be discounted or refunded for the shorter amount of session time received as a result of my tardiness. Any lateness greater than 20 minutes will require me to reschedule my appointment, and I will be responsible to pay the full amount of the original appointment. NO-SHOWS: I understand in the unlikely event of a no-show, I am responsible for FULL payment of the appointment.

Ayurvedic Services

Victoria Valdez

$60 - $150

60 mins - 80 mis

  • Ayurvedic Services

    The traditional healing art of India and the oldest healthcare system to exist in the world.Ayurveda translates to the "Science of life." As the oldest healthcare system to exist, the remedies of this ancient science have been passed down for over 6,000 years. Originating in India, Ayurveda uses diet, yoga, herbs, and treatments to eradicate diseases and promote longevity. Ayurveda is ultimately helping find the balance of one's Mind, Body, & Soul. Although the knowledge of Ayurveda is quite ancient; these traditional remedies are still used to treat and manage modern pathology in our world today.

    Before coming in for a consultation it is advised to spend some time to reflect on anything you would like to address during our time together. Reflecting on the food you eat, lifestyle and the health of both your physical and mental aspects may help us in identifying the root cause of illness.

  • Ayurvedic Consultation $100

    Ayurvedic Consultations are used to guide individuals towards a lifestyle which focuses on a self - care routines and healthy eating. We take into consideration your unique health concerns and goals to create an Ayurvedic lifestyle plan fit for you. The practitioner does not diagnose or treat disease.


    An in depth history of your health is taken to better get to know you inside & out.

    Basic explanation of the elements & doshas in Ayurveda.

    Prakriti Analysis or “Unique Consitution” of Doshas: Vata, Pitta, Kapha.

    Pulse Analysis helps us read doshic energies in the body.

    Review of Dietary, Herbal, Yoga recommendations.

    How to adapt Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama (Breathework) into your lifestyle.

    What You Take Home:

    Deeper understanding of Ayurveda as a pre ventative lifestyle and medicine.

    Knowledge of Ayurvedic Doshas and Elements Dietary recommendations & Ayurvedic Recipes

    Dinacharya Ayurvedic routine guidelines.

    Customized yoga program including medita tion and pranayama breathe work techniques.

    Inspiration to attain healthy habits which relieve harm from modern life styles.

    Supported guidance and accessibility on your Ayurvedic journey!

  • Abhyanga (Herbal Oil Massage + herbal steam bath) $100

    Abhyanga is the traditional Ayurvedic massage + herbal steam bath (Swedana) which uses medicated oil for a whole body massage including the face and head. This massage is unique due to the traditional Ayurvedic strokes and herbal oils specified for the client. Following the massage is an herbalized steam tent to help eliminate toxins. This treatment lasts around 60-120 minutes

  • Shirodhara $100 (Oil Drip Therapy)

    Shirodhara is a rejuvenating treatment which focuses on the nervous system. The name comes from the Sanksrit terminology Shiro (Head) and Dhara (Flow). Shirodhara has the ability to pacify common mental conditions such as insomnia, stress, and anxiety while helping stimulate the endocrine system through the Pineal and Pituitary glands. This relaxing flow of medicated oils lasts around 60 minutes.

  • Nasya $60 (Nasal Therapy)

    Nasya consists of administrating medicated oil into the nasal channel along with a facial massage around the nasal area. This massage uses specific marma points which assist in detoxing nasal congestion. The two nasal channels are the only accessible routes to the brain making it very special and important in Ayurvedic medicine to keep cleansed and clear. Nasya helps to protect and nourish these channels and lasts around 35 minutes.

  • Pinda Sweda $80 (Herbal Poultice Therapy)

    Pinda Sweda is a treatment, which uses a poultice filled with herbs combined with herbal milk, for a full body massage. Used to treat musculoskeletal disorders or discomfort. This nourishing treatment lasts 60 minutes.

  • Swedana $20 (herbal Stem Bath)

    Swedana in Ayurvedic medicine translates to herbal steam bath. Used to purify and detoxify the body, herbal heat is applied to the patient following our Abhyanga full body massage using medicated oil. You can also experience Swedana without Abhyanga to experience a personal steam session. The total time duration for Swedana is customized to your comfort and can last up to 20 minutes.


    We do not offer cash or credit card refunds for our treatment packages or gift certificates. Availability of specific therapists, modalities, teachers, and classes is subject to change at all times without prior written notice. We will honor an equal value of credit for other services within our facilities. Please note that this credit does not apply to cancellation of services due to notification of cancellation with less than 24 hours notice.

    CANCELLATION POLICY Cancellations: If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, WE REQUIRE 24 HOURS NOTICE. Appointments cancelled or rescheduled in less than the required time will be billed at 50% of the cost of services. Appointments booked for the same day are considered confirmed and cannot be cancelled without being billed 50% in accordance with our cancellation policy. Thank you for your understanding and respect of our Therapists and the space. TARDINESS: I understand I am required to arrive on time (10 min prior) for all Wellness appointments. I also understand that my Wellness session time will be shortened if I am late for my appointment. I will NOT be discounted or refunded for the shorter amount of session time received as a result of my tardiness. Any lateness greater than 20 minutes will require me to reschedule my appointment, and I will be responsible to pay the full amount of the original appointment. NO-SHOWS: I understand in the unlikely event of a no-show, I am responsible for FULL payment of the appointment.

Flower Essence Treatment


60 Mins

  • Flower Essence Treatment 60 Minutes $75

    Flower essences are a holistic approach to wellness. Through years of experimentation and many thousands of case studies, flower essence systems have been developed throughout the world. We can say that they work similarly to inspirational music or art, which carry meaning through the vehicle of sound or light, while flower essences work through the medium of water. Today, flower essences are gaining worldwide professional recognition for their significant contribution to holistic health and wellness. Flower essences are flower infusions, prepared from wildflowers, based on the original work of Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s. To understand how flower essences work requires a recognition that the human being is more than a physical body, but also incorporates a “body” of life energy, a “body” of sensitivity and feelings, and a spiritual essence. Flower essences can help us deepen our connection with ourselves to be more in touch with our feelings and underlying attitudes and thus empower us to make real changes in our lives.

    Flower essences do not have an active component, are 100% natural and do not interfere with any medications or health regiments. Our expert practitioners will create custom blends of the highest quality essences to address your personal needs. The practitioner does not diagnose or treat disease.


    We do not offer cash or credit card refunds for our treatment packages or gift certificates. Availability of specific therapists, modalities, teachers, and classes is subject to change at all times without prior written notice. We will honor an equal value of credit for other services within our facilities. Please note that this credit does not apply to cancellation of services due to notification of cancellation with less than 24 hours notice.

    CANCELLATION POLICY Cancellations: If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, WE REQUIRE 24 HOURS NOTICE. Appointments cancelled or rescheduled in less than the required time will be billed at 50% of the cost of services. Appointments booked for the same day are considered confirmed and cannot be cancelled without being billed 50% in accordance with our cancellation policy. Thank you for your understanding and respect of our Therapists and the space. TARDINESS: I understand I am required to arrive on time (10 min prior) for all Wellness appointments. I also understand that my Wellness session time will be shortened if I am late for my appointment. I will NOT be discounted or refunded for the shorter amount of session time received as a result of my tardiness. Any lateness greater than 20 minutes will require me to reschedule my appointment, and I will be responsible to pay the full amount of the original appointment. NO-SHOWS: I understand in the unlikely event of a no-show, I am responsible for FULL payment of the appointment.

Biomagnetic Pair Treatment

60 Mins

  • Biomagnetic Pair & Bioenergetic

    Biomagnetism, or Biomagnetic Pair (BMP), is an all natural, non invasive therapy that helps restore a healthy pH balance using magnets of opposite polarity by pairs. Most organs and tissues in our bodies exist in varying levels of pH. Mental and emotional stress, exposure to radiation or pollutants, poor diet and invasion from microorganisms may cause pH levels to leave their normal range. Biomagnetism helps balance the pH levels and return the body to homeostasis (the state of natural health).

    The Biomagnetism practitioner will scan the body for areas with unbalanced pH levels that could cause dysfunctions, using muscle testing. Magnets of low strength will be placed on specific parts of the body to help re-establish balance. Founder, Dr. Isaac Goiz, has identified hundreds of Biomagnetic Pairs that cover most dysfunctions, diseases, syndromes and illnesses. He has helped thousands of people through his technique. Flower essence therapy helps identify the root cause of an illness and remove the emotions that are blocking us from healing. This technique is based on the belief that most illnesses are psychosomatic; an illness caused by internal conflict. Flower essences do not have an active component, are 100% natural and do not interfere with any medications or health regiments. Our expert practitioners will create custom blends of the highest quality essences to address your personal needs. The practitioner does not diagnose or treat disease.

    To book this service contact the practitioner directly Angelica Amaral (818) 472-2610


    We do not offer cash or credit card refunds for our treatment packages or gift certificates. Availability of specific therapists, modalities, teachers, and classes is subject to change at all times without prior written notice. We will honor an equal value of credit for other services within our facilities. Please note that this credit does not apply to cancellation of services due to notification of cancellation with less than 24 hours notice.

    CANCELLATION POLICY Cancellations: If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, WE REQUIRE 24 HOURS NOTICE. Appointments cancelled or rescheduled in less than the required time will be billed at 50% of the cost of services. Appointments booked for the same day are considered confirmed and cannot be cancelled without being billed 50% in accordance with our cancellation policy. Thank you for your understanding and respect of our Therapists and the space. TARDINESS: I understand I am required to arrive on time (10 min prior) for all Wellness appointments. I also understand that my Wellness session time will be shortened if I am late for my appointment. I will NOT be discounted or refunded for the shorter amount of session time received as a result of my tardiness. Any lateness greater than 20 minutes will require me to reschedule my appointment, and I will be responsible to pay the full amount of the original appointment. NO-SHOWS: I understand in the unlikely event of a no-show, I am responsible for FULL payment of the appointment.

    To book this service contact the practitioner directly Angelica Amaral (818)472-2610